Monday, November 19, 2012

utah weekender

it's always nice to take a quick vacation to utah, so i did.

here's a blurb of my trip via iPhoneagraphy:

we (my mum, #instagrammy, the little bros and i) left at 5AM in the morning to head off on our adventure.

i adore the leaves and mountains in utah.

i got to hangout in provo majority of the time with my college friends. i love the BYU campus!

cole bought us the most amazing shirts, wolf shirts. 
don't we look good all matching and such?

so keep in mind that the first day we arrived in utah there was NO snow. it almost a bit hot in fact. 

then, boom...


this is what i wokeup to one morning. snow is a definite fav.

we got to grab lunch with my cousin jess who lives up there, she's one cool lady.

here's a cute house i drove by. i wouldn't mind living there!

it was snowing nonstop.

on saturday night we went to the BYU game...
free food, drinks, snacks and all.

here's the marching bands throwin' down some killer formations.

this picture never fails to make me laugh, we were freeeeeezing cold.

and then of course we had to kiss the beautiful state of utah goodbye. 

i sure hope i go back asap, i adore utah.

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